What is RUPRE?

What is RUPRE?

The Research Unit for Public Religion and Education (RUPRE) belongs to the Chair of Religious Education at the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany. Its aims are

  1. a) to conduct, interlink, intensify and make visible research at the intersection between public theology and education and on related topics such as human rights education or digitality and religious education;
  2. b) to promote exchange and scientific discourse in public theology and to expand and deepen national and international co-operations with similar institutions;
  3. c) to make research results und basic scientific contents publicly available beyond traditional academic publication media, especially via social media, digital networks, teacher education and training.

See our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8fBWYZqDiT-hvpCrWVgtuA