

– several posters and workshops of the RUPRE team


– (FOERBICO;, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)




– more than 100 students from five universities registered


… (in the context of the BMBF-funded DiSo-RE project)


… as part of a big research network, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), at the University of Bamberg.


… in York, UK (with two papers by Professor Pirner)


… as part of a big research network, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). In this project modules for teacher education on digital ethics education at schools will be developed on a Design Based Research basis and a focus on the topic of social media influencers.


Interview with Prof. Claudia Gärtner on Education for Sustainable Development

The Interview is also available as Video Podcast on the RUPRE YouTube Channel


An online course will be developed by RUPRE and a consortium of three other universities (Augsburg, Bamberg and Passau), sponsored by the VHB. Project staff member: Corinna Ullmann


… of the DFG-funded Research Project “Religion as Ressource or Risk” (


This is a digital network for promoting exchange and training of teachers of Religious Education as well as university students of RE teacher education.


Symposium by the FAU research group “Digitality and Normativity in Informal and Formal Learning Contexts” (DigiNorm:iL), coordinator: Professor Manfred L. Pirner

Program of Research Exchange Day 1 (31 March 2022) – Videos on our YouTube Channel

Program of Research Exchange Day 2 (6 April 2022) – Videos on our Youtube Channel


Pirner, M. L., unter Mitarbeit von D. Kertes & M. Penthin (2022). Wie Religionslehrkräfte ticken. Eine empirisch-quantitative Studie [empirical study on Religious Education teachers]. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer. Mit Beiträgen von Hans-Günter Heimbrock, Christhard Lück & Martin Rothgangel, Uta Pohl-Patalong, Ulrich Riegel, Peter Schreiner und Friedrich Schweitzer. More infos

Green, J.-P., Pirner, M. L., & Büngener, J. (Hrsg.). (2022). Religionsunterricht bilingual. Didaktische Perspektiven und Anregungen für die Praxis. Erlangen: FAU University Press [Content and language integrated learning in Religious Education]. 324 Seiten. Open access online:



Final report submitted. Project leaders: Professor Michaela Gläser-Zikuda, Professor Wolfgang Pfeiffer and Professor Manfred L. Pirner; researcher: Melike Ömerogullari


Project leaders: Dr. Werner Haußmann in co-operation with Dr. Martina Switalski (FAU, Didactics of History), and Dr. Axel Töllner (Augustana-Hochschule Neuendettelsau)



For more information see:


Designated speaker: Professor Manfred L. Pirner; 13 co-operating scholars from the FAU



An empirical longitudinal study on the significance of religiosity for the coping with life and the integration of young refugees” (ReReRi-L), together with Professor Ulrich Riegel (Univ. of Siegen), granted by the German Research Foundation (DFG) (500.000 €)


Empirical Studies on Correlations Between Youths’ Religious Beliefs and their Ethical Attitude as well as their Practice Concerning Digital Media” started (self-financed)

This project consists of two sub-projects that address a) the quantitative exploration of media use, media ethical attitudes and religiosity of Christian-oriented youths (Niklas Meltzer), and b) quantitative as well as qualitative studies on Christian social media influencers in the U.S. in comparison to German influencers (Katharina Engel).


The project consists of three sub-projects that address a) children’s rights in RE in primary schools (Augustine Meier), b) children’rights in RE teacher education (Franziska Trefzer), and c) the rights of non-religious students in RE in secondary school (Verena Bedruna).



Project leaders: Professor Michaela Gläser-Zikuda, Professor Wolfgang Pfeiffer and Professor Manfred L. Pirner; researcher: Melike Ömerogullari



About 160 scholars from all over the world, from different denominations and religions as well as from different academic disciplines.

LINK to basic information on ISREV


Pirner, M. L., Lähnemann, J., Haussmann, W., & Schwarz, S. (Eds.) (2018). Public Theology, Religious Diversity and Interreligious Learning: Contributing to the Common Good through Religious Education. New York: Routledge.

(more …)


Experts from various academic disciplines are invited to Nuremberg to discuss two recent empirical studies: 1) A representative opinion poll on people’s attitude towards Religious Education, conducted by the poll agency EMNID (for results of the study klick here); 2) a representative quantitative study among teachers of Protestant RE at Bavarian schools, conducted by RUPRE (for results of the study klick here). The event is conducted by RUPRE in cooperation with the Protestant-Lutheran Church of Bavaria.



Suggested and co-designed by Professor Pirner, the Protestant-Lutheran Church of Bavaria had commissioned the renowned poll agency ENMID with the study. The poll shows that 65 % of the Bavarian population are in favour of RE as an ordinary school subject at all public schools, only 25 % reject it. Most of those who are sceptical of RE indicated to be less or not religious.

Download report of the results



Refers to project “Public theology – religion(s) – education” > Link


The project had been designed to analyze and promote the access of migrants, in particular of refugees, to universities and other higher education institutions. it involved 12 European countries and Israel; RUPRE was part of the application for Germany. Principal Investigator: Professor Hanan Alexander of the Unversity of Haifa, Israel.



German Version “Öffentliche Theologie – Was Religionen zum Gemeinwohl beitragen können” (Link)